Welcome to our new website …

We are Emma Jones and Neil Cordell — two London based photographers — and welcome to shadowVIEWS. This is our new platform for showcasing our work and particularly our collaborations. Our goal is to explore our differing visions that two photographers can have of the same or similar subjects.
This series of photographs are based on a twoCOUNTRIES theme where we contrast two different countries which we have both visited. We both find it fascinating how two individuals view the world around them and actually see different things.
The first set examines Laos and Vietnam which are both in South East Asia and we were travelling together back in late 2012. The people in both Laos and Vietnam were very friendly and welcoming which makes travelling more pleasurable. Travelling together meant that we experienced mostly the same things but we captured them in differing ways.
The next set will focus on two countries with much greater contrast — Jordan and Myanmar. The other contrast with these images is that we travelled to these countries at different times. This creates additional variations because the weather and to some degree our itineraries where not the same.
Future work
We have a number of ideas around pairs of subjects that we can combine to examine the contrasting visions — sometimes these will be fairly similar and at other times they will be wildly different. At the moment, all of these projects are in the planning stage but we will be announcing them here in our News section when they have developed sufficiently.
Check out our work
Please feel free to look around our website and framed images are available for online purchase from the galleries.
If you which to interact with us then please follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. You can also contact us by email at info@shadowVIEWS.photo.