Two More PopUp Weekends

Two more opportunities
Great news … our twoCOUNTRIES — Jordan and Myanmar exhibition is going still going to be at Pasta n’ Goulash for their next two PopUp weekends on 22nd/23rd April 2017 and 6th/7th May 2017. Please note that their opening times have changed to 5pm until 11pm for these dates.
Many thanks to our friends, Agatha and Tamas, for their continued support and giving us the opportunities to exhibit our work at their pop-up restaurant and bar in Kentish Town. So far, the two weekends have been a great success and we have had great fun meeting some of the people who have come along.
In this second twoCOUNTRIES exhibition, we are contrasting two very different countries of Jordan and Myanmar. Unlikely our first twoCOUNTRIES exhibition (Laos and Vietnam) when we travelled together, we visited these countries separately and at different times of year.
All the images which we are exhibiting plus some others are now available online at twoCOUNTRIES — Jordan and Myanmar and the exhibition opens on Saturday 8th April 2017.
Come and see our work
Please come along to Pasta n’ Goulash at Tolli Cafe, 327 Kentish Town Rd, London NW5 2TJ over the weekend. We will be around for some of the time and when we are, we are more than happy to chat about photography — please contact us if you want to meet up — plus it is great food and drink!