twoCOUNTRIES — Jordan and Myanmar Gallery is live

New Gallery
In the run up to our second twoCOUNTRIES exhibition, we have published the accompanying Jordan and Myanmar Gallery. This gallery contains all the images that are part of our second exhibition as well as some extra images from these two countries. All of the images in our twoCOUNTRIES series are available as framed prints which can be ordered online. At the moment, we are not sure which two countries will select for the next ones in this series.
Our second Exhibition
We are looking forward to the second exhibition at Pasta n’ Goulash in Kentish Town on Saturday 8th / Sunday 9th April 2017. These images are from our travels to Jordan and Myanmar but this time we were not travelling together so there is an added contrast that we were in these countries at different times of the year.
At 4pm on Saturday, Emma and Neil have arranged a Photographers’ Talk so that we can explain some of the ideas behind our collaboration and the stories behind the images in the exhibition. It is a great opportunity to come along to ask us any questions that you have. We both enjoy talking about photography and travelling especially over beer or two.
The great news is that Pasta n’ Goulash serve some great Italian and Hungarian beers that are not found in many bars in London. If you are planning to eat too then we would recommend that you book a table as their pop-up is very popular.
Please come along to our exhibition at Pasta n’ Goulash in Tolli Cafe, 327 Kentish Town Rd, London NW5 2TJ.