Options for Buy our Images

Currently our images are available for purchase as framed prints in two options:

Option 1 - 60 x 45 cm Black Wood Frame

High quality matt black wood frame with glass glazed front to protect the print. The print has a white mounting and the actual image size is 30 x 45 cm.

Option 2 - A3 (42.0 x 29.7 cm) Black Metal Frame

High quality matt black aluminium frame with glass glazed front to protect the print. The print has a white mounting and the actual image size is 33 x 22 cm.

Alternative Sizes

Please email sales@shadowVIEWS.photo to inquire about any alternative sizes. If you are able to provide the necessary details (e.g. frame size and type of frame) then we will provide you with a quote.


We will endeavour to fulfil your order as quickly as possible and this will typically be within 2 weeks of you placing your order. If for any reason this is not possible, then we will contact you to discuss the situation and your options.